tuS extremoS
Without the adequate tools, the landscape surrounding us becomes hostil and we regulary collide with newly drawn boundaries. But after some time, difficulty could become a real power of reinvention.
What frontier would suppose a limit when necessity exist?
Recognising oneself in the other is a rebirth full of conflicts and empathy, where differences are like seasons that are proposing changes of environnements, deserts and jungles where to transit, with effort, pleasure, pain, tenderness and humor, in the sinuous quest for a sharing or the simple search of an embrace.
Artistic direction: Arthur Bernard Bazin
Dancers: Javiera Paz, Veronica Toro,
Arthur Bernard Bazin
Musical composition: Joaquín Segade
Photography and visual : Virginia Rota,
Francisca Saez Agurto
Graphic design: Ignacia Carramiñana
©Virginia Rota