Involved in the process of self-conquest, where individual and social references are lost and reorganised, there is a something that is preserved despite the shipwerk : like the last grip before to abandon the embarkation.
That is the hook with existency, the minimum luggage that string along with and hold up the essential, the bundle that keeps a home, defending identity and dignity as if they would be wrapped in the harness of a life jacket, maybe wet, but not sunken.
Whether they would be named migrants, settlers, explorers or even bacterias and microorganisms ; whether the would be looking for resourses, renown, reform or merely a more favorable environment, they could risk everything, with precarious rafts and inadequate knowlege.

Direction and choreography:
Candelaria Antelo y Arthur Bernard Bazin
Original soundtrack: Sergio Salvi y Joaquín Segade
Set design: Marcos Carazo
Lightening design: Inés de la Iglesia
Production: Verónica Toro
Interpretation: Eva Alonso, Javiera Paz,
Loredana Gargano, Marvin Alfaro,
Marton Debreczenyi
Riding on the boundaries of time and space, they are questioning the possibilities to coexist, even being differents. Layer after layer, the DNA of evolution if emerging, thus forming a baggage or a civilisation.
This is the journey of all, the journey of the crossbreeding and the acculturation of societies, the journey of technical, genetical and sensible evolution, the journey that sees the beeings forced to transform, obliged to adapt to be able to live, to grow, and if posssible, to transcend.