SKANES DANSTEATER Award and Codarts Award
"Te odiero" receives both prices at RIDCC - Rotterdam International Dance Choreography Competition, (Rotterdam, Holanda).

Grand Prize Palm Dessert Choreography Festival 2023
"Te odiero" receives the First Price, Palm Dessert, California (USA)
Audience award at the North Atlantic Dance Competition (CODANZA) 2018
with the performance "Je te haime" (Holguín, Cuba).
Colateral Award for dramaturgy in the staging 2018
by the Unión of Writers and Artists of Cuba, North Atlantic Dance competition (CODANZA), with the performance "Je te haime" (Holguín, Cuba).
Professional Award for Best Dance Performance 2017
at the Huesca International Theater and Dance Fair, with the performance "ASUELTO" (Huesca, Spain)
Best performance award 2014
at the XIX Internationalen Wandertheaterfestival, with "Te odiero" (Radebeul, Germany)
Professional Award for Best Dance Performance 2013
together with Maura Morales, at the 27th Huesca International Theater and Dance Fair, with the show "Je te haime" (Huesca, Spain)
First Prize and Audience Prize · 7th NO BALLET International Choreography Competition 2012
with the show "Te odiero" (Ludwigshafen, Germany).
First Prize and Audience Prize · XVIII Choreographic Competition "Les Synodales"
with the show "Te odiero" (Sens, France).
RCH Award for Best Performance · Certamen Internacional de Coreografía Burgos-New York
with "Te odiero" (Burgos, Spain).
Audience and Critics Awards at the XXV Madrid Choreographic Contest 2011
with the performance "Te odiero" (Madrid, Spain)
First Prize at the VII International Dance and Performing Arts Contest of the city of Alcobendas 2011
with "Te odiero" (Alcobendas, Spain)
First Prize at the Vallecas Choreographic Contest 2010
with the performance "Discordio"